He rolls with the punches. He laughs with the best of 'em. There's no such thing as a stranger, shyness is unheard of, and his middle name could be play....or maybe milk---tee hee.
With Connor in kindergarten these past few weeks, we've gotten to spend more one-on-one time with this here cutie pie...and we are loving it!
His play is almost totally different than Connor.
He looks up to Connor with so much pride. I'm totally in love with him when I see his entire body filled with excitement and joy in the presence of his big bro. And, thankfully, at least so far, he doesn't seem too broken-hearted if Connor rejects his enthusiasm and refuses his company at times. To see the two of them together, getting along, is truly the stuff of my dreams!
I guess you're wondering about that title...well, no cuter-than-cute kid can be completely perfect...right?!
That brings us to the subject of poop. We knew we were up against quite a different personality going into potty-training. I thought that I'd out-smarted it...waited til he was 3...til I thought he was ready. Well...apparently, his 'testins (as he likes to call them) weren't ready.
By the end of the first month of my VERY casual and not-very-consistent tries to potty train, the kid was doing both jobs on the potty during the day. I thought I was home free. What a great and smart mommie I was!
But, poopie-pants put a big kink in my ego-trip. A few weeks after daytime success...after diapers had been removed and given away, the kid just started back up pooping in his pull-up.
And, we're not talking a one-time-a-day pooper here. Aidan is.....very regular.....more than very regular.....like 3-5 times a day regular.
He was good....for them!
But, he held in 2 days worth of poop at school and then let it all out on his next day home with me. FIVE pairs of underwear people!!! FIVE. FIVE!
Finally, I surrendered back to the pull-ups (BTW, that evening I had one dirty pull-up too!)
Not sure how cloth diapers are environmentally friendly. I must've swirled those underwear in the toilet and flushed 4 or 5 times each before I was able to soak off all that yuck. And, my skin crawled thinking about them spinning around in my washing machine.......**shudder**
I'm at a bit of a loss as to why the digression. Am I expecting too much from him? I've been told that boys generally have a harder time potty training than girls at the same age. I know he can do it b/c we had 3 or more good weeks.
During one of the grossest clean-up sessions, I caught Aidan laughing at the situation. OH NO HE DIDN'T! "It is NOT funny young man!" And, to this he cleverly and in his very cute and Aidan-way answered,"oh, I wasn't laughing at that Mommy. I was laughing at something else."
What has worked for all those other mommies of hard-headed boys? Any advice is welcome!! Pretty please!
So glad you shared your blog!!!!
ReplyDeleteFor real, how much $$ have you spent on diapers the past 5 years between both boys? You need to start throwing out the poopy underwear and stop washing them!! Girl, they are like $1 a pair.... a drop in the toilet after 5 years of buying diapers.
Awesome advice Lizz!! :) But....Those $1's would add up fast with my little pooper.