Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lesson plans

For the Week of October 1-5, 2012

Snack Helper for this Week: Sarah

Snack Helper for next Week: Cole

Spelling/Literature: In spelling, we will learn to separate words into individual sounds (unblending) and we will be listening for the sounds of /o/ and /m/. We will also be discussing the order of the letters in the alphabet, sequencing the letters, and playing games to help make us more familiar with the letters of the alphabet. This week we will continue to work on the correct way to grip a pencil, and we will learn general handwriting rules. In literature, we will be learning how to hold a book correctly, and to identify the title, author, and illustrator. This week we will be discussing informative writing. We will discuss topics and facts.

Unit Study: This week in Unit Study, we will continue learning about the United States of America. We will discuss that the USA is located in the middle of the North American continent, between Canada and Mexico. We will learn that the USA is made up of 50 states, with 48 being connected together. We will learn that our country grew west from toward the Pacific Ocean. We will be introduced to the United States flag, seal, and bird (the bald eagle). This week we will discuss the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the Statue of Liberty, Niagara Falls, and Mount Rushmore.

Math: In math, we will continue Chapter 6: Numbers 0 to 20. Counting up to 20 is the most basic form of counting two-digit numbers. Mastering knowledge of numerical sense up to 20, as well as its sequence, is the stepping stone to counting numbers up to 100. In this chapter, children will count up to 20 objects by using one-to-one correspondence. They will also build on their concept of one more by using ten-frames to count on. Children will also learn to compare and sequence numbers to 20. This week we will focus on counting, reading, and writing numbers 10-20. We will be using hands on activities and manipulatives to further our understanding.

Nature Study: This week, we will be discussing mammals. We will learn the characteristics of mammals (1-vertebrate, 2-warm-blooded, 3-have fur or hair, 4-live on land or in water, 5-give birth to live young, 6-give milk to their young). We will be brainstorming a list of mammals and reading about mammals.

Bible: This week, we will be reading the stories of “Esau and Jacob” and “Jacob’s Ladder.” Please read these stories at home with your child, and have them narrate the story back to you.

Show and Tell: For Show and Tell this week, please have your child bring a stuffed animal that is a mammal. Reminder—the item must fit in your child’s backpack, with the backpack still being able to zip shut.

***Uniform Reminder: Please remember—Children should wear chapel dress on Tuesdays.

Girls: Jumpers with white collared shirts and privacy shorts.

Boys: White button up shirt (long or short sleeved) with black pants or black shorts.

Next week is SPIRIT WEEK!!

**Monday: students will receive mums to wear all week--regular uniform dress

**Tuesday: students may wear mums or spirit ribbons with their chapel uniform

**Wednesday: Crazy sock, crazy hair, crazy hat day--students may choose 1, 2, or all 3 to wear with their uniform

**Thursday: Falcon with flair day- Falcon Friday clothing and add your own flair. Pep Rally and Tailgate at 5:00

**Friday: Decade Day or Storybook character dress up. Football game @7:30

Friday, September 21, 2012

Lesson plans preview for next week

For the Week of September 24-28, 2012
Spelling/Grammar/Literature: In spelling, we will work on counting syllables and listening for the sounds /l/, /h/, and /g/. We will also be working on recognizing letters instantly, playing Alphabet Bingo, guessing letters by their shape, and naming what comes before and after certain letters. This week we will discuss setting, characters, event, and precise language.This week we will work on the correct way to grip a pencil, and we will learn general handwriting rules. We will be learning how to hold a book correctly, and to identify the title, author, and illustrator. With each story, we will discuss setting, characters, event, and precise language.
Unit Study: This week in Unit Study, we will begin learning about the United States of America. We will discuss that the USA is located in the middle of the North American continent, between Canada and Mexico. We will learn that the USA is made up of 50 states, with 48 being connected together. We will be introduced to the United States flag, seal, and bird (the bald eagle). We will discuss the stars and stripes on the flag, and the significance of the colors and the number of stripes (13). We will also be learning about the White House, and looking at the different rooms that are in the White House.
Math: In math, we will begin Chapter 6: Numbers 0 to 20. Counting up to 20 is the most basic form of counting two-digit numbers. Mastering knowledge of numerical sense up to 20, as well as its sequence, is the stepping stone to counting numbers up to 100. In this chapter, children will count up to 20 objects by using one-to-one correspondence. They will also build on their concept of one more by using ten-frames to count on. Children will also learn to compare and sequence numbers to 20. This week we will focus on counting to 20 and reading and writing the numbers 10, 11, and 12. We will be using hands on activities and manipulatives to further our understanding.
Nature Study: This week, we will continue discussing birds. We will review the characteristics of birds (1-Warm-blooded, 2-Vertebrate, 3-Have feathers, 4-Have beak, 5-Have two wings and two feet, 6-Hatch from eggs), and the hand motions to help us remember the characteristics of birds. This week we will be introducing Mockingbirds. We will observe photos and listen to the sounds of the mockingbird. We will be drawing pictures of mockingbirds in our nature notebooks.
Bible: This week, we will be reading the stories of “Sodom and Gomorrah” and “Isaac and Rebekah.” Please feel free to read and discuss these stories at home with your child.
Show and Tell: For Show and Tell this week, please have your child bring an item that is red, white, or blue.
*Thank you so much to all of you for helping make our Texas Roundup a success! The children had a great time reviewing, having horse races, and tasting chili and trail mix. Thank you!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Men are from Mars....

The other day, I was rewarding Aidan for a successful potty trip with a treat from the "magic box".  He picked some Nerds candy that was probably left over from Halloween last year.  I reached out to try some--I had to make sure it was alright!  Then, he informed me that it was only for boys.  This led to a hilarious discussion about the difference b/w girls and boys:

So, what kind of candy do girls eat?  Tea.
Do what?!

I asked in a different way.  So, what kind of snacks to girls like?  Uumm, girls have tea. 

What about boys.  What kind of snacks to they like?  Boys like candy...and...laffy taffy...and...magic boxes....

And, Aidan, what kind of games do girls like to play?  Umm, I don't know...

What kind of games do boys play?  Clubhouses, outside, sandboxes....uh...swords...dragons...

Interesting.  Don't girls like to play clubhouses and outside games too?  No, because they're girls.

Oh, so can you think of any games that girls might like to play?  Books.

......But, I like to read books too.  (whew!)

So funny that even at 3, he's forming some impressions about gender. 

I think that if Connor and I were to have this same conversation, he'd be a bit more, well, yeah, some girls like to play chase but some girls don't...and, boys sometimes like dolls whenever they are sad or something.  Got to love my little savvy ambassador!

Aidan...he is nothing if not true to his instinct.  He unapologetically tells it like he sees the world...not really desiring to entertain another point of view ---that's what I think...that's who I am. 

The proud mama in me is convinced that I am watching a confident leader and strong, determined, and unwaivering man in the making.  I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead his heart to desire the Lord's point of view in his life.  And, that God will shape his character to be an honorable and ethical and loving man.  A man who in the face of false teachers will hold true, unyielding to the Truth of the Gospel.

Lesson plans preview

For the Week of September 17-21, 2012
Spelling/Grammar/Literature: In spelling, we will work on counting syllables and listening for the sounds /d/, /f/, and /l/. We will also be working on recognizing letters instantly. This week we will introduce the correct way to grip a pencil, and we will learn general handwriting rules. In literature, we will be learning how to hold a book correctly, and to identify the title, author, and illustrator. This week we will discuss setting, characters, event, and precise language.
Unit Study: This week in Unit Study, we will continue our study of Texas. We will locate Texas on a map of the United States of America. We will identify the capital city of Austin, the panhandle, Red River, Rio Grande, and the Gulf of Mexico. We will learn about the symbols of Texas, including the bluebonnet, the pecan tree, the mocking bird, the lone star flag, and the armadillo. On Friday, we will conclude our study of Texas with a Campfire Review.
Math: In math, we will complete Chapter 5: Size and Position. In this chapter, children will learn to recognize big and small things and to use prepositions to describe position. This week we will focus on big and small things and understanding the concept of same-sized objects. We will explore the idea that only a few big objects fit into small spaces and many small objects fit into big spaces. We will discuss positions and identify positions of objects in space.
Nature Study: This week, we will be discussing birds. We will introduce the characteristics of birds (1-Warm-blooded, 2-Vertebrate, 3-Have feathers, 4-Have beak, 5-Have two wings and two feet, 6-Hatch from eggs), and the hand motions to help us remember the characteristics of birds. We will be observing birds (live and in photographs), and we will be drawing pictures of birds in our nature notebooks. We will go on a bird hunt around the school to watch live birds.
Bible: This week, we will be reading the stories of“Abraham’s Two Sons” and “The Sacrifice of Isaac.” Please feel free to read and discuss these stories at home with your child.
Show and Tell: For Show and Tell this week, please have your child bring an item that is native to/related to Texas. This can be an item that was found (pecan, river rock, Mockingbird feather, etc.) or it can be a photo of a trip (Alamo, river, etc). It can also be a picture from the internet of an item that is native to Texas.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lesson plans preview

**Monday, September 10, 2012: Waco Landmark Field Trip—Meet us for Lunch in the Pecan Bottoms of Cameron Park at 12:00 pm
Spelling/Grammar/Literature: In spelling, we will be discussing letter names and sounds. We will be focusing on the sounds of n, s, a, i, and z. In literature, we will be discussing and identifying beginning, middle, and ending sounds, and we will talk about rhyming words. We will be learning how to hold a book correctly, and to identify the title, author, and illustrator. This week we will discuss setting, characters, event, and precise language.
(Connor's school implements the curriculum from Neuhaus called scientific spelling...which, as best I understand it, is an approach that teaches the students the sounds, patterns and rules, and phonology so that they don't have to memorize so much--sounds good to me).
Unit Study: This week in Unit Study, we will conclude our study of Waco landmarks by taking a field trip around our city. We will then move from a study of Waco to Texas. We will locate Texas on a map of the United States of America. We will identify the capital city of Austin, the panhandle, Red River, Rio Grande, and the Gulf of Mexico. We will learn about the symbols of Texas, including the bluebonnet, the pecan tree, the mocking bird, the lone star flag, and the armadillo.
(Connor is so excited already!  And, I have to laugh in anticipation of the chance that he may be corrected whenever he says the word pecan--he takes after his Southern Mama and says 'pee-can'. Dear school, please don't take the Southern accent out of my boy!)
Math: In math, we will begin Chapter 5: Size and Position. In this chapter, children will learn to recognize big and small things and to use prepositions to describe position. This week we will focus on big and small things, and understanding the concept of same-sized objects. We will also explore the idea that only a few big objects fit into small spaces and many small objects fit into big spaces. We will also begin to discuss positions, and identifying positions of objects in space. (I also learned this week that the LOCS curriculum for math is Singapore Math.  Here's a link to an article about the success of the Singapore curriculum:
The more I learn about Live Oak's approach and methods, I am more and more blown away and so happy with our decision to put him there.

Side-bar:  I spent a lot of time worrying about this school or a LOT of welcome (and unwelcome) comments.  Public vs. private vs. charter.  I think that every parent wants (and SHOULD) think that where their child is in school is the best place for him or her; and, throughout this experience surrounded by other families sending their children to kindergarten, I've encountered some parents who, in an attempt to defend their decisions, are really judgemental about other options.  I'm just so thankful that we have options!  What a wonderful situation we have here in Waco!...I hope that I never make another mother feel conflicted about what they've chosen as best for their family.  Come on!  We are all out to give our children the best opportunities to grow their minds, hearts, spirits, and give them the tools they need to make their own dreams come true and make their own difference in this world.        
Nature Study: This week, we will continue our discussion on fish. We will review the characteristics of fish (1-Cold-blooded, 2-Vertebrate, 3-Have scales, 4-Breathe through gills, 5-Most have fins, 6-Hatch from eggs), and the hand motions to help us remember the characteristics of fish. We will be observing goldfish (live and in photographs), and we will be drawing pictures of goldfish in our nature notebooks. (Connor asked me the other day,"Mama, did you really come out of grandma's tummy?  And, did Aunt Gretta too?")
Bible: This week, we will be reading the stories of“Abram’s Journey” and “Abram, Sarai, and Hagar.” Please feel free to read and discuss these stories at home with your child. 
Show and Tell: For Show and Tell this week, please have your child illustrate their favorite part of our Waco landmark field trip. We will be sharing our drawings and our favorite parts of the trip.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Up to our eyeballs in poop....yeah, ya' heard me!!

 Aidan has, for as long as I can remember, has filled our world with light and happiness.  His fun-loving personality and heart-on-his-sleeve attitude makes him probably the most magnetic and definitely the cutest member of our little family.  You should hear this kid pray--so cute (God, tank you for mama and daddy and Connor and Aidan, and grandma and pop pop, Jesus and God....and tank you God for shoot guns)--couldn't you just eat him up?! 

He rolls with the punches.  He laughs with the best of 'em.  There's no such thing as a stranger, shyness is unheard of, and his middle name could be play....or maybe milk---tee hee.

With Connor in kindergarten these past few weeks, we've gotten to spend more one-on-one time with this here cutie pie...and we are loving it!

His play is almost totally different than Connor.

It's cars, trucks, trains, and planes....and a whole lot of SILLY.  He makes pow sounds for guns and rubbling sounds to help his vehicles come to life.  He talks while he plays--I can't always tell what the story is about, but usually I hear him narrating where his trucks go. And, I've noticed him going off on his own for 20-30 minutes at a time, just pushing his cars around the floor making up pretend games with them.  He's content not to include me...very self-motivated. 
He looks up to Connor with so much pride.  I'm totally in love with him when I see his entire body filled with excitement and joy in the presence of his big bro.  And, thankfully, at least so far, he doesn't seem too broken-hearted if Connor rejects his enthusiasm and refuses his company at times.  To see the two of them together, getting along, is truly the stuff of my dreams!

I guess you're wondering about that title...well, no cuter-than-cute kid can be completely perfect...right?!

That brings us to the subject of poop.  We knew we were up against quite a different personality going into potty-training.  I thought that I'd out-smarted it...waited til he was 3...til I thought he was ready.  Well...apparently, his 'testins (as he likes to call them) weren't ready. 
By the end of the first month of my VERY casual and not-very-consistent tries to potty train, the kid was doing both jobs on the potty during the day.  I thought I was home free.  What a great and smart mommie I was! 

But, poopie-pants put a big kink in my ego-trip.  A few weeks after daytime success...after diapers had been removed and given away, the kid just started back up pooping in his pull-up. 
And, we're not talking a one-time-a-day pooper here.  Aidan is.....very regular.....more than very 3-5 times a day regular. 

Once his preschool started back up, his teachers urged us to put him in underwear rather than a pull-up. 

He was good....for them! 

But, he held in 2 days worth of poop at school and then let it all out on his next day home with me.  FIVE pairs of underwear people!!!  FIVE.  FIVE!
Finally, I surrendered back to the pull-ups (BTW, that evening I had one dirty pull-up too!)

Not sure how cloth diapers are environmentally friendly.  I must've swirled those underwear in the toilet and flushed 4 or 5 times each before I was able to soak off all that yuck.  And, my skin crawled thinking about them spinning around in my washing machine.......**shudder**

I'm at a bit of a loss as to why the digression.  Am I expecting too much from him?  I've been told that boys generally have a harder time potty training than girls at the same age.  I know he can do it b/c we had 3 or more good weeks. 

During one of the grossest clean-up sessions, I caught Aidan laughing at the situation.  OH NO HE DIDN'T!  "It is NOT funny young man!"  And, to this he cleverly and in his very cute and Aidan-way answered,"oh, I wasn't laughing at that Mommy.  I was laughing at something else." 

What has worked for all those other mommies of hard-headed boys?  Any advice is welcome!!  Pretty please! 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Lesson plans

Lesson plans for next week:

Spelling/ Literature: In spelling, we will be discussing letter names and sounds. We will be focusing on the sounds of n and s. In literature, we will be discussing and identifying beginning, middle, and ending sounds, and we will talk about rhyming words. We will be learning how to hold a book correctly, and to identify the title, author, and illustrator. This week we will discuss setting, characters, and event. (I can definitely tell this stuff is starting to sink in as the weeks go on.  I can hear him saying words over and over, thinking what the first letter must be and getting tickled when he finds ryhming words.) 

Unit Study: This week in Unit Study, we will be discussing our community of Waco. We will learn that a landmark is a building, monument, or place designated as important or interesting. We will discuss various landmarks of the Waco area including The Dr. Pepper Museum, the Suspension Bridge, The Alico Building, Lover’s Leap, Cameron Park, and the Cameron Park Zoo. (Connor loves being the authority on any subject.  He'll love getting the official scoop on these Waco places that we've loved and visited all his life.) 
Math: In math, students will learn to count to 10 and write the numerals for these numbers, and to find one more or one less to solidify the counting sequence. This week we will be focusing on: knowing that objects can represent a set of objects up to 5 and fingers and toes together can represent up to 20; determining one more; understanding and showing the meaning of same and more; and knowing how many more. We will be using manipulatives and hands on activities to learn about numbers.  (Today in the car, Connor informed Aidan that if you keep counting after one thousand you eventually get to two thousand.  Smartie pants)

Nature Study: This week, we will introduce fish. We will learn the characteristics of fish (1-Cold-blooded, 2-Vertebrate, 3-Have scales, 4-Breathe through gills, 5-Most have fins, 6-Hatch from eggs). We will learn hand motions to help us remember the characteristics of fish. (This subject is definitely peaking his interest.  He finds and captures roley-poleys and worms and then wants to know if they have bones or not.  Also, how do fish breathe?  And, did you know that the water that you drink goes into your stomach, your body uses it, and then the stuff your body doesn't use comes out in your pee pee? )

Bible: This week, we will be reading the story of “The Tower of Babel.” Please feel free to read this story at home with your child, and have them narrate the story back to you.  (I love to hear the take away from these stories.  It seems like every time we talk about a particular OT story, he brings up a different point.  And, his perspective is priceless, ie. the people thought that they could build it so high to be like God---that was so silly!  Cuz, God's everywhere...not just high.)

Show and Tell: Show & Tell this week is My Favorite Color. Please have your child bring an item that represents their favorite color.  (I'm curious what his favorite color will be this week.  It's been changing lately, from purple to gold or silver, and most recently to yellow.)