For the Week of October 1-5, 2012
Snack Helper for this Week: Sarah
Snack Helper for next Week: Cole
Spelling/Literature: In spelling, we will learn to separate words into individual sounds (unblending) and we will be listening for the sounds of /o/ and /m/. We will also be discussing the order of the letters in the alphabet, sequencing the letters, and playing games to help make us more familiar with the letters of the alphabet. This week we will continue to work on the correct way to grip a pencil, and we will learn general handwriting rules. In literature, we will be learning how to hold a book correctly, and to identify the title, author, and illustrator. This week we will be discussing informative writing. We will discuss topics and facts.
Unit Study: This week in Unit Study, we will continue learning about the United States of America. We will discuss that the USA is located in the middle of the North American continent, between Canada and Mexico. We will learn that the USA is made up of 50 states, with 48 being connected together. We will learn that our country grew west from toward the Pacific Ocean. We will be introduced to the United States flag, seal, and bird (the bald eagle). This week we will discuss the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, the Statue of Liberty, Niagara Falls, and Mount Rushmore.
Math: In math, we will continue Chapter 6: Numbers 0 to 20. Counting up to 20 is the most basic form of counting two-digit numbers. Mastering knowledge of numerical sense up to 20, as well as its sequence, is the stepping stone to counting numbers up to 100. In this chapter, children will count up to 20 objects by using one-to-one correspondence. They will also build on their concept of one more by using ten-frames to count on. Children will also learn to compare and sequence numbers to 20. This week we will focus on counting, reading, and writing numbers 10-20. We will be using hands on activities and manipulatives to further our understanding.
Nature Study: This week, we will be discussing mammals. We will learn the characteristics of mammals (1-vertebrate, 2-warm-blooded, 3-have fur or hair, 4-live on land or in water, 5-give birth to live young, 6-give milk to their young). We will be brainstorming a list of mammals and reading about mammals.
Bible: This week, we will be reading the stories of “Esau and Jacob” and “Jacob’s Ladder.” Please read these stories at home with your child, and have them narrate the story back to you.
Show and Tell: For Show and Tell this week, please have your child bring a stuffed animal that is a mammal. Reminder—the item must fit in your child’s backpack, with the backpack still being able to zip shut.
***Uniform Reminder: Please remember—Children should wear chapel dress on Tuesdays.
Girls: Jumpers with white collared shirts and privacy shorts.
Boys: White button up shirt (long or short sleeved) with black pants or black shorts.
Next week is SPIRIT WEEK!!
**Monday: students will receive mums to wear all week--regular uniform dress
**Tuesday: students may wear mums or spirit ribbons with their chapel uniform
**Wednesday: Crazy sock, crazy hair, crazy hat day--students may choose 1, 2, or all 3 to wear with their uniform
**Thursday: Falcon with flair day- Falcon Friday clothing and add your own flair. Pep Rally and Tailgate at 5:00
**Friday: Decade Day or Storybook character dress up. Football game @7:30