We're really loving our new-found quality time just with Aidan these days. With Connor off to school, our playdates give us opportunity to hang with a 3 and younger crowd more frequently. So fun! Last week we had a fun picnic at a local park and Aidan had some fun in the sun and the sand with some great pals.
Can't believe I was fast enough to get them all in the picture. |
Silly faces come soooo easy for these two hams! |
Digging for treasure with Kate and Annie---from my viewpoint, the sweet treasure is sitting right beside them...budding friendships are so special!
And boy does it wear us out! This is how I found him at quiet time that day--complete with candy corn socks and what I think were pretend sock puppets on his hands. What a cutie pie! He plays right up until he keels over.
Another great tradition we've started is each Friday we meet some friends at one of the Baylor cafeterias for supper. This is one of Aidan's best buds, Fergus. He and his parents and little sister, Elsa, are here from Glasgow, Scotland this semester. We will be soooo sad to see them go back home this December. But, maybe they'll be a trip to visit Fergus sometime soon!
Yep! Three is definitely for me! |
I love that you used the word "supper." That's all. :)