Old Puppy is Connor's best friend of sorts and certainly his comforter and lovie. I started putting puppy in the crib with him when he was around a year old. It didn't take long for Connor to latch on and now Old Puppy is required for a good night sleep, or for a good milk-drinking session. Connor never took a pacifier, so I never had to fight with him to give something like that up. I don't think that I'll ever ask him to give up Old Puppy--it's not a life-crutch in that he can leave it home when we take him to mommy's day out or to church, etc. But, as soon as Connor gets in trouble or is sad, his first instinct is to go a find Old Puppy (I think to have someone on his side); and, every morning and after naptime and dinnertime when he has a sippy full of milk on the couch, Old Puppy has to be there. Connor will sit drinking his milk and stroke Puppy's silky tag. So sweet.
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