Saturday, August 17, 2013

1st Grammer One lesson plans

Mrs. Mansell's Grammar One Blog
August 19-23, 2013
Snack Helper this Week: Wyatt Bowles Next Week: Margaret Byrd
What a wonderful first 3 days we have had! It has been a pleasure to get to know the children and help them get settled in Grammar One.
*Please help your child practice shoe tying each day. The children attend the “Ready Bodies Lab” three times each week and take off shoes and socks while there. Getting shoes back on and tied in a timely manner will help the rest of our day to go smoothly.
*If you are interested in serving as a “Room Parent”, please let me know.
Bible: After reading last week about the announcement and birth of John the Baptist, our stories this week will include “A Wonderful Baby’s Birth” and “The Wise Men Follow a Star.”
Math: Our math lessons this week will focus on counting, comparing numbers, making number patterns, and problem solving. Please begin to practice math facts each night with your child, beginning with addition facts with sums to 10. In Grammar One, we begin daily drill exercises. The focus changes quarterly and will end with students being proficient with addition and subtraction facts to 20.
Language Arts: The children will receive their first set of spelling words this week and homework. The homework will be explained on a sheet that will be placed in the center “brad” area of the green “Take Home” folder in a page protector. The homework is assigned each Monday and due on Thursdays. The spelling word list will also be located in that same area in the folder. Nouns, common and proper will be the focus of our Grammar lessons and in Writing, we will work on writing sentences with correct punctuation, capitalization, and spelling. Reading time will be spent focusing on phonograms, basic sight words, and assessing students.
History and Science: Our History lessons will emphasize the value and use of maps including how to use map keys and symbols. The children will find places on maps and identify the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. In Science, the children will investigate how living and non-living things are different and see how Scientists sort these into groups to gain better understanding.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The carpool line

 So, what to do while waiting in car pool line that's wrapped around the block at pick-up time?  Peek-a-boo got us through about, well, 4 minutes. 
Then, a little counting practice got us to, of course 10...a few times.  Lately, Aidan has become really committed to learning to count and also wants to learn to add a few numbers together.  He's been very aware of Connor going back to school and wants to get a piece of the action.  He's learned what he likes to call a "few pieces of math"--2+2 is 4 and 4+4 is 8.  What a wiz kid!
 And, oh so cute....
 And, silly!
 And, geez loo-uise!  What's taking this carpool line so long, anyway?!!

 A peek at Connor after his first day.  He was pooped but he seemed really proud. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

1st Grade

 Mrs. Mansell and Connor on meet the teacher night.  He was so tickled when he found out that she was his teacher--she'd subbed for Mrs. Maeyaert last year while she was on maternity leave. 
 He was so excited to get all his school supplies arranged and put away.  He'd been taking them out, rearranging them, and putting them back in his pencil case for TWO days.  
 His desk has a cubby in it--you know, the kind you lift the top and there's a space underneath.  He is going to LOVE having ownership of this space.  And, he has his first hardback textbook this year--a singapore math book. 
 One last look before we left him.  He looks so grown up and so small at the same time! 
And, with Aidan!!  This is what it looks like so far.  Love my baby Aid-ey. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What's it all for?

I've not spent much time reflecting and recording here since late last year.  The blog has never been a daily or even consistent thing...but, I do find myself reading back over old entries and remembering funny and precious memories that are slipping away with my crazy mommy-brain and I do wish that I would've been a bit more faithful.  Although, I do realize that having those thousands of sweet unrecorded moments requires my presence WITH the kids and husband rather than in front of a screen.
I just don't want to forget, you know?! 

Facebook is my fall-back.  I've scrolled through my timeline smiling and tearing up watching the boys grow.  The awesome thing about fb is that I get to also enjoy my family's and friend's enjoying these memories too. 

I don't get much traffic here...I originally started this blog to be able it to give Connor and Aidan to reflect on there childhood from my perspective, loving and praying for them. 

I want them to be able to look back on a particular trip or experience and remember that God's love for them was there, even in the trivial day to day trials.  That He loved them enough to give them the awesomest grandparents in the history of grandparents...that he loved them so much that he gave them each other as brothers to grow, fight, learn from (good or bad) about what it means to be a man, that He loved them so much He gave them His Word which (hopefully) they can keep close to their hearts through memorizing scripture at church and home (although, right now that's like pulling teeth....BUT, they know their Mama feels that it's important!), that God is their refuge and strength in times of struggle and suffering, and that he is our Sovereign God and Creator.  We are His! 

I want them to know (if they ever read this little journal) that their Mama and Daddy loves them more than life itself and that we'd do anything for them.  Lately, one way they try and trip the other up is to ask,"so, do you love--whatever--?" to which the other responds,"Yes." And, then he asks,"Well, do you love it more that God?"  If a 'yes' follows this question, there is pause and then quick correction..,"err, um, NO!" 

It's one thing to be able to SAY that you love God more than anything, but to really live it is SOOO hard.  I think about how much I love them and love Richard and I truly don't think that I always DO love Him more.  That's a really hard thing to admit.  I pray that God will guide my steps and forgive my unbelief and my undeserving idolatrous heart.  I want the boys to always know that we SHOULD love Him with ALL our heart, soul, mind, and strength...but, when they too fall short they can run to the Lord, fall at His feet and be forgiven for all their fallen-ness. 

He is our deliverer, our all in all.  One of my favorite songs is "In Christ Alone": 

In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
'Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the World by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life's first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
'Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I'll stand


Monday, August 12, 2013

Old summer days and new additions

 Sparky came to us in late June, a 4lb miniature schnauzer puppy.  He's so sweet, loves playing with the boys, and follows me around all evening until I finally sit down and then he curls up in the chair beside me to cuddle.
 Isn't he adorable?!
 And, we brought back two sweet kittens from Grandma and Pop pop's house.  Sam and Muffin live on the porch (for now) and have doubled as rag dolls for the boys--what great sports they are!  Never a scratch or hiss for their boys.
 Aidan named Muffin...after many renamings (first it was Gigi, then Carolina, then Muffin-Carolina-North Carolina-Russell...and that's what we're stickin too)
 This was one morning at 8:15am...imagine how crazy the rest of the day went ;)
 Richard's reading through the Chronicles of Narnia--I think this night he was finishing _The Magician's Nephew_
 Waiting for Grandma and Pop pop to drive up
 Connor caught two gigantic 5lb gaspergou drums on the Brazos River, using his spider man kid's fishing pole!
 And, Aidan caught an anchor :)
He and pop pop had a blast sitting on the bank eating peanut butter crackers, just chilling out and enjoying the morning.
 Me and Aidan at the Gaylord pool
 Having so much fun swimming
We had a great end of summer vacation in Dallas.  We visited the Perot Museum, the Dallas World Aquarium, stayed at the fabulous Gaylord Texan, enjoyed swimming at their fun water park, and toured my new campus at Baylor Nursing School (more to come about this later!)

Catch up

 A visit from one of Richard's literary heroes, Seamus Heaney and his terrific wife Marie!  Such a thrill for him and an honor for Baylor! 
 An impromptu bedtime camp out we discovered before we went to bed.
 Connor turned 6 March 31st.  This was his first not-at-home party.  He and his friends jumped and flipped at a local gymnastics gym.  So fun!
 Aidan's end of year recital program featuring all the songs they'd learned throughout the year in chapel and music.  The expression you see above is pretty much how he looked during the entire program ;)
 Aidan with his sweet teachers, Mrs. Ginger and Mrs. Joanna.  He loves them soo much! 
 Connor's end of year school play--"The Three Billy Goat's Gruff".  He was the middle billy goat and tricked the ole troll who lurked under the bridge.
 Last day of school!  Popsicle party and luau. 
 One excited boy on his last day as a kindergartener.
 Another class shot.  We really miss Mrs. Maeyaert!
 Letter Connor wrote for Mrs. Maeyaert on the last day.
 Visited with Aunt Marjorie, Uncle Herb, and Vincent and Granddaddy just after school let out.  So fun to get to be crazy with cousins too!
 A fun extended trip with Gretta and her finance John in Asheville, NC.  We can't wait to call him Uncle John.  The boys always LOVE hangin with Aunt Gretta!
Aidan turned 4 on our trip to see Grandma and Pop pop in NC.  We had a very fun, but VERY hot birthday party with all the local cousins and Aunts and Uncles.  So fun!!