Somewhere just before Thanksgiving up until a week or so ago the busy, crazy hectic-ness of the holidays took over. I hate scimming over all the great memories of these past two months--there have been a lot! Thanksgiving in NC with Grandma and Pop Pop and Aunt Gretta, discovering the "briar patch" behind Grandma and Pop Pop's house, enjoying time with cousin Andrew and Cousin Hunter and Cousin Sarah Grace, Christmas parties with friends and with the boys' classes, the excitement surrounding Advent, decorating, baking, jingle bells and Christmas carols, Christmas trees, lights, secret presents, loving talking to the boys about the First Christmas and delighting in Connor's understanding of that this year, Aidan's first time to be able to verbalize his excitement for Christmas to us, continuing to watch them grow their friendships with their friends, a special birthday party for Richard, and the wonderful feeling of getting back to normal after all the craziness and just being able to enjoy each other.
This has been the warmest winter so far, barring a few cold snaps. These two were taken while Richard was out of town to a conference. Connor devised a plan to become a delivery boy and took on a willing partner. And, one night we had a make-your-own-pizza dinner--the cheese was a big hit...and a big mess!
These next few are from our fun time at Christmas on 5th street--a fun Baylor tradition. Notice, again, the short sleeves on Connor celebrating another warmer evening.
My last post really harped on how much fighting had increased lately. And, that's still true, but we are also so glad to see them (as Aidan gets older) leaning on the other one for friendship too. Giggles and plotting rule the day. Connor still wants to be first at everything and is acutely aware when he's not; and Aidan, wants nothing more than for Connor to include him in anything...but, he's not shy from knowingly pushing Connor's buttons.
I LOVE having boys!
Connor now really desires to be a helper. Here he wanted to help me make dinner--he cracked the eggs and mixed them for me.
Dinnertime in our house now is C to the R to the A to the Z to the Y!!!
Rocks, rocks, and more rocks--thankfully, we live on a sheet of limestone only a few inches below the dirt. Connor has a massive rock collection--stored in the clubhouse--and he loves hunting for more. Aidan is a willing participant. It will be interesting to see what sorts of collections Aidan decides to start soon. Right now, he loves stashing pennies and dimes he finds in the sofa cushions into his jean pockets.
And, forget about telling Aidan not to be just comes naturally!