And now Connor, time for your list:
favorite foods: mac and cheese, chocolate milk, chicken dunked in chick fil a polynesian sauce (but not the chick fil a nuggets--you say that they are too salty!), and a ham and cheese and ketsup sandwich (??).
favorite books: (hard to narrow this one down to just a few) Rainbow Fish, Charlotte's Web, Owl at Home, Merry Christmas Amelia Bedelia, and The Jesus Storybook Bible especially the story of the crucifixtion and resurrection.
favorite games: making clubhouses and forts usually loades with pillows and books and blankets and toys, hide-and-seek, playing on the backyard wood play set, and anything that involves you directing EVERY aspect of the game.
favorite friends: Wes Snoden and Jaxson from preschool and Nate Polk from church. Hopefully, you will continue those friendships after starting 'big' school next year when everybody goes in different directions.
favorite quiet time activity: play-doh, scribbling with markers, watching videos....although, you and quiet are only synonymous either while sleeping or for short 15 seconds spells in between all your loudness.
favorite outfit: your orange and grey striped shirt (short-sleeved), your green and white striped shirt (long-sleeves), your Thomas underpants, your long blue jeans, your socks with the brown stripe, and your red and black shoes.
favorite movies or shows: Toy Story, Kipper, Phineus and Ferb, Cars, and Thomas.
tid bits: I am reminded daily what a bright, thoughtful child you are--sometimes you use that knowhow to get into mischief or argue your plight. You have very definite opinions and like things the way you like them.
You enjoy being a big brother some of the time, but it "gets on your nerves" at others. I can see that you are enjoying playing with Aidan more and more as Aidan gets older. You don't like it now that Aidan can assert himself a little more. And, y'all definitely have your share of swabbles. You love to direct your play with him and you are usually okay if Aidan does exactly what you want him to do--you're not liking that now Aidan's coming up with his own opinions now too. It's just one of those growing up lessons--can't always get what you want exactly when you want it. I'm so proud of you b/c I'm seeing that you are really making a conscious effort these days to take turns and let bygones be bygones. You are definitely growing into a mature little boy before ours eyes.
You enjoy sameness, which I can definitely relate to--changing routines, or introducing new people or plans throws you off a bit, but you are becoming much more adaptable that way as you are getting older. I see a lot of myself in you and the way you interact with your world. You see beauty all around in nature, you love coolness (as you call it), your mind becomes consumed in the stories of your books and you replay it over and over again, you hold back and are guarded when you meet a new friend and want Mommy's familiar presence til you warm up...and then you're off with no trouble, you try to please me when you think I'm upset, you are already so trusting in God's sovereignty (I hope that only continues to build into thankfulness for it and for His grace), and you are extremely passionate (either with joy or with anger).
We love to see your bright and smiling face enjoying sweet play and hearing you tell us all the amazing adventures you find yourself in each day--you tell everything with such passion and's infectious. We love you with all our heart. Our sweet big boy!