I was so ready with a millions gripes each morning, but they were swept away by a cool morning breeze while we ate our breakfast with the kitchen/screened porch door open (so nice, and so unusual that time of year).
The dreaded, heavy, and stiffling hot air of summer is finally here even during our breakfasts now. But, somehow, that few weeks of morning reprieves have softened my resolve to hate everything about this infamously Texan season.
Well, that...and the pool.
I have to say that I am excited about going to the pool this year. Normally, anything that had to do with me and a bathing suite was so uncomfortable to me. I'm not sure if I'm becoming less modest, less embarrassed, or more demented.
My swim suite this year is one of those 'granny' types with a skirt on the bottom but a cute, youthful tank on top. I must admit, I've never been more comfortable in a suite. Well....they put 18 year olds in them in those department store catalogs, so I thought 'why not?'.
Connor was so ready. Even in April, he would just blurt out of nowhere, "Mommy, why is summer taking so long? I want to go to the pool today!"
A lesson in patience, or the lack of it, is certainly not lost, even on a 3 year old.
There are only so many times we can water the plants or wash the cars to satisfy this child's craving to splash and swim.
And, we love...love...love the pool at Baylor. It's indoors, so no worries about sunburns on my, very obviously, paler-than-life boys.
In this picture, Connor's lips even look blue. We'd been in the pool for about an hour and I think he'd gotten a little chilly. Don't worry, he quickly pinked up and stopped chattering.
We employed a very fun but very obnoxious floating donkey some of our time in the water for Aidan. Mostly he just wanted out to be held in the water so he could splash; but, when he was in it, one of us was free to pull him and do a few "laps". By "lap" I mean something resembling a back-stroke while pulling a giant blue donkey shaped floating seat that accomodated a giggling 11 month old, while making googly faces at said 11 month old. Also, not to embarrass myself further, but it really must be said: the 'lap' was performed going with the current of a lazy river. There.
And, I can't wait to go back tomorrow and do it all over again.